Monday, February 11, 2013

Shalom welcomes you

We are delighted that you are interested in getting to know Shalom Bible Seminary. In Shalom, we aim to give quality theological training along with emphasis on sharpening individual skills and gifts. In order to achieve this goal, we have well-trained faculty who take their work seriously. In line with our aim to impart sound theological education, we let our students to go through the full grind of training which includes imparting knowledge that grounds them in their own local context. At the same time, we make efforts at moulding young people who are potential ministers of the Gospel in places God calls them to be, far and near. In the end, our ultimate aim is to transform and equip students who will, in turn, make a powerful impact in our societies with the life changing message of the Gospel. Shalom is a remarkable place with top-notch amenities available at very affordable rates. We hope you find useful information and inspiration about what God is doing in this part of the world.


The Angami Baptist Church Council (ABCC) is one of the twenty constituent members of the Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC). Its headquarter, Kohima, is the second station of the American Baptist Foreign Missionary Society in Nagaland. It is much to the credit of the sacrifice and contribution of the foreign missionaries that today, there are about 30,000 baptized members from 104 churches working together under the ABCC. In 1946, the Rev. J. E. Tanquist started a vernacular Angami Naga Bible School with a view to train and provide leadership to natives in the local churches. However, as the Indo-Naga political problem heightened, all foreign missionaries were made to leave the area. Due to political turmoil and financial constraints, the Bible school could not continue beyond the mid-sixties. However, many students of the vernacular Bible school took up leadership roles and nurtured the churches, and at the same time propagated the gospel in spite of extreme hardship. Since then, the Baptist Church in Kohima was left without adequate training facility till the establishment of Shalom Bible Seminary in 1996.


A Community-sponsored Institute for Equipping Servant Leaders to Impact the Church and Society in Nagaland and beyond with the Word of God” We believe in: The divine inspiration, authenticity and final authority of the sixty six books of the Bible as the Word of God, the only rule of faith and practice for Christian believers. One personal God, eternally existent in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His humanity, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His atoning death, His bodily resurrection on the third day, His ascension, His priestly intercession, His personal return in power and glory to finally judge the living and the dead, and to consummate His Kingdom. The Holy Spirit, His work of regeneration, sanctification and indwelling in the life of believers, enabling them to live a holy life, to teach and to witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations. The creation of man in the image of God, his willful fall into sin, standing in need of regeneration, justification and salvation by grace through faith in Christ, and the bodily resurrection of all human beings, either to eternal life, or to eternal condemnation. The spiritual unity of all believers in Christ Jesus, our Lord, forming the Church, the Body of Christ, visibly expressed in worship and service.


Sanyü Iralu(Principal) B.E., B.D., M.Th., Ph.D. New Testament Ketouseno Iralu B.A. (Hons), B.D., D. Min. Pastoral Care and Counseling Adino Nakhro B.A. (Hons), M.B.S., M. Th. Christian Education Rümatho Nyusou(Academic Dean) B. Th., B.D., M.Th. Christian Theology Kevingulie Rhatsu B.A., M. Th. Library Science Kwang Aier B. Th., B.D., M.Th. Religion Peihau Haikube B. Th. B.D. M.Th Missiology Villo Naleo B. Th., M.Div., M.Th. Theology & Ethics Khrieno Nagi B. Th., M. Div, M. Th Church History Avonuo Ciesotsu B. Th., M.A Christian Education Vitho Kera B. Th., M.A, M.Th Old Testament Shürheisieü Meyase, M.A, M.Div, M.Th Religion Tito Hesso B.A, B.D, M, Th Pastoral Care and Counseling Vilakielie Kiewhuo, M.A(ts), MA Advance Old Testament Wirl Thaw Mu B.A, M.Div, M.Th New Testament Asono B.Th, M,Div, M.Th Missiology Aphrounuo B.Th, M.Div Librarian Faculty on Study Leave: Kethoser Kevichüsa: Ph.D Candidate (Christian Ethics) Kelhoukhrieno Savi: Ph.D Candidate (Church History) Khriebou Belho: Master of Christian Studies (Applied Theology) Visahu Peseye: (Under Process for Ph.D in Music)

Contact us

Shalom Bible Seminary Sechü-Zubza | P.O. Box – 177 Kohima – 797 001, Nagaland Contact No. Office : 91 – 370 – 2801232 Principal : 91 – 9862022737 Academic Dean: 91 – 9436011117 President & CEO: 91 – 9436001733 Email :


We offers the fallowing Degrees: Bachelor of Theology (B.Th) Bachelor of Theology is a three year program for those candidates having 10+2 academic standard Master of Divinity (M. Div) Master of Divinity program requires three years for secular graduates or its equivalent degree and two years for B.Th. upgraders with second division and above from a recognized university